
The Incredible Years


The Incredible Years® is an evidenced based and internationally acclaimed parent/caregiver programme that focuses on strengthening your parent/caregiver competencies and fostering involvement in your children’s school experiences, to promote their academic, social and emotional skills and consequently reduce any conduct problems.

Course Outline

This course is aimed at parents/caregivers of children aged 3-8 years.

KJB Consulting Limited holds the Ministry of Education contract to deliver this programme, and it is facilitated in Taranaki by Krystal Burrell, Carla Moore, Katy Quest, Alise Benson-Armstrong, Michelle Shaw and Sonya Goodchild-Brooks.

Group sessions focus on strengthening parent-child interactions, nurturing relationships, reducing harsh discipline, and fostering parents’ ability to promote children’s social, emotional, and language development. These groups encourage parents as they learn to promote school readiness skills.

Parents/caregivers are encouraged to partner with teachers in schools and be involved in school experiences to promote children’s academic and social skills, emotional self-regulation, and to reduce conduct problems.

Specifically the course covers:

  • The importance of parental attention and special time with children
  • Academic persistence, emotion and social coaching
  • Effective praise and encouragement
  • Using incentives to motivate children
  • Household rules, responsibilities, and routines
  • Monitoring children’s whereabouts
  • Clear and respectful limit setting
  • Ignoring misbehaviour
  • Using time out for destructive behaviour & extreme oppositional behaviour
  • Imposing logical & natural consequences


Parent groups are delivered in New Plymouth and Stratford, over 15 weekly group sessions of 2-3 hours. Contact Flourish to find out if you meet the funding criteria to attend.

Next commencement date TBC


Free – Fully subsidised by the Ministry of Education if applicable.

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