
The Happy Home Habits Hub

The Happy Home Habits Hub is for you if:

  • You have kids aged from two to twelve.
  • You do not love being a parent right now.
  • You’d love to have more peace and ease in your family life.
  • You want to enjoy being a parent and your kids instead of resenting it and them.
  • You want to be a confident parent and trust yourself and your decision-making.
  • You want to feel connected to your children and yourself.
  • You’d like more respect towards one another in your family’s interactions.
  • You’d like more trust between you and your kids.  They know they can come to you with anything, and you won’t fly off the handle.
  • You’d like to be able to communicate boundaries and decisions with them in a way that they can accept.
  • You’d like more true listening in your family where everyone can be heard and understood.
  • You have read the books and maybe even done some parenting courses, but when it is over, things slide back to how they were before.

The membership is designed to work on one small but mighty daily habit at a time with access to a range of other tools to use as and when needed. There is not a lot of time commitment required to consume loads of content, just a commitment to daily practice and a willingness to share and celebrate progress with the group (n.b. the platform is not on social media and will be completely private). Optional fortnightly coaching calls with certified Master Parent Coach Caitlin Hocken from ChildWise are available to work through any sticking points coming up for you.

Email Caitlin at: or find out more at Childwise NZ.

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