
Rants in the Park with Flourish – Monday mornings 9.30am (school terms)

Walk, stroll, amble or run, with or without your off-road buggy, then sit back and enjoy a cuppa at Flourish.

The benefits of nature, exercise, and social connection (and coffee!) for the mental health of a parent are well known and accepted. We have a weekly opportunity for our parenting whānau to connect and move at their own pace, with or without their children in buggies or packs, as we discover new tracks in the neighbouring ngāhere, Pukekura Park. We chat about whatever is on our minds, we listen with empathy, and all feel better when we realise we are ‘not the only one’! After a quick chat, we head off for 45-60 minutes then we return to Flourish HQ for a fresh InCafe coffee and further debrief.


Parenting is a rollercoaster and having someone to share with and listen to along the way can be gold. Waiting lists for therapeutic intervention are often hideous, so while you wait for the support you may have been referred to, or if you would just like to meet others riding the highs and lows of the same rollercoaster, you are more than welcome to join!


This group is open to all, with no pre-registration required. It is scheduled every week, regardless of the weather, as an important and constant connection and support opportunity. If its raining bring raincoats and appropriate shoes, if really bad weather we will just go straight to coffee and connection.

This is just a turn up gig, we love meeting new ‘ranters’. You can request to join the ‘Rants in the Park’ messenger group to get weekly updates, or text Carla 021 758 220 if you are running late and would like us to wait.


Every Monday (rain or shine) during the school terms – Arrive at 9.15am(ish), ready for a 9.30am departure from the Flourish carpark.


FREE – Kawhe (coffee) Koha welcome to help us keep supporting more parenting whanau.

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Come and visit us - we're located at St Chads Hall, 12 Omata Rd.

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