
Choices in Childbirth

Choices in Childbirth classes are intended to be taken in addition to Antenatal Classes.

Active Birth Taranaki Inc. is a group of people passionate in supporting natural birth, working towards a community which is confident in woman’s ability to birth naturally, where woman and their birthing partners experience the power of positive childbirth. We are here to inform and inspire you from our personal birth experiences and knowledge.

We cover topics related to supporting birthing in the most natural way possible, whether that be at home or in hospital.

We talk about:

  • water birth, acupressure and hypno-birthing as techniques to help smooth the birthing journey,
  • an informed consent process when making decisions about your birthing options
  • the ways in which to support your body to do what it does best – BIRTH!

Plus we introduce you to the support networks that are out there to help you once your baby is born.

$60 – This course runs on a Saturday and Sunday starting 9.30am to 4pm

Course held at Flourish Taranaki over a weekend.

Flourish Taranaki – 1 Rogan Street, New Plymouth – Upstairs of the racecourse stand. Follow the flags

Register now

Click here to find out when the next course will run, and to book your spot

Stay Connected

For all enquries please email:

Come and visit us - we’re upstairs at the New Plymouth Raceway above the TRFU gym.

1 Rogan Street, New Plymouth.

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